Wednesday, 19 June 2013

My Alkaline Diet Begins

I have always been conscious of the foods that I consume since I hit puberty. I recalled how I struggled and experimented with the type, quantity, timing and frequency of my food intake due to the my sudden increase in weight then. As I was rather petite (5' 1"), and with a voracious teen appetite, it wasn't a surprise that I was at my heaviest at 53-54kg then when my ideal weight should be 45kg. Ever since then I have been conscious of the food I take. It was more of a weight rather than a health concern then.

I recall devouring magazines and articles on what food to avoid and what food to take. I started to eat more green vegetables and fruits, cut out red meat. If I were to take chicken I would remove the skin, avoid greasy foods. However, I do have my weaknesses for milk chocolates, especially Cadbury during 'that period of the month' as well as breads. This craving for sugar and yeast laden food has me constantly battling candidiasis.

I recently had the greatest privilege to have been a participant of Unleash the Power Within by Tony Robbins in Sydney April 12-15 2013. The greatest part of the seminar that I could take action immediately was on Vital Life. What he shared has me determined to take charge of my own body. I applied it immediately as the food made available were those that were live alkaline foods and juices. It felt great!

 The crowd in OZ was just great!
 Tony, you are so full of energy! Thanks for sharing on Vital Life.
Alkaline diet kick-start - live food 
Pesto pasta ;)

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