Wednesday, 24 July 2013

What Is The PH Balance Diet And Why It's Great For Your Health

What Is The PH Balance Diet And Why It's Great For Your Health

What Is The PH Balance Diet And Why It's Great For Your Health
By Laura A Wilson

So we all know there's hundreds, thousands maybe even millions of different diets and diet books out there. When looking through an array of offerings, wondering which diet is the best, it's easy to get overwhelmed, confused and to give up, thinking "ah, life's short, I'll just eat what I want; everything in moderation right?"

Well to an extent that's true and also, in terms of wanting a weight loss/management diet, you can't go far wrong with the simple adage - burn more calories than you consume and you'll be doing OK.

However, in terms of optimum health and to give yourself the best chance for disease prevention, there is a diet approach that really has stood the test of time and with sound scientific grounding. That diet is the 'alkaline diet' - otherwise known as the pH Balance Diet.

It is centred around the pH scale (a scale from 0-14 that denotes how acidic or alkaline something is - 0 being highly acidic and 14 being highly alkaline) our bodies' blood is naturally slightly alkaline - at a pH of 7.35 - and needs to stay within an exceedingly narrow range of that pH.

Eating 'alkaline foods', such as leafy green vegetables as well as fruits like grapefruits, avocadoes, lemons and limes (counter-intuitively, these citrus fruits leave an 'alkaline ash' when metabolized, even though they are acidic in their physical form), promotes this inner alkaline balance and works in harmony with the needs of our body for great health.

Eating 'acidic foods' such as white refined sugar, alcohol, dairy products, meat, processed foods and pretty much any other Standard Western Diet foodstuff, goes against what the body needs for optimum nutrition and means that our bodies have to compensate for this over-acidity created.

Since keeping the blood at 7.35-7.45 is so critical to our survival (think of it like being almost as critical as needing to breathe all the time), any deviations from this range will result in an amber emergency being created in our body and it taking drastic measures to restore pH homeostasis (the normal set-point).

We will use our 'alkaline buffers' to make this compensation - such as leeching calcium and other alkaline minerals from the bones to alkalize the blood.

If we continue to acidify our bodies over the long term it's like constantly making withdrawals from a bank account and not depositing in equal measure - a chronic deficit will be created, which will eventually lead to crisis.

Diseases like cancer, heart disease and diabetes can be thought of as problems of over-acidity and toxicity in the body.

To find out more about the pH Balance Diet and for a comprehensive list of alkaline foods and free recipe book, got to

Article Source:

To find out more about the pH Balance Diet I'd recommend this excellent resource:

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Dr Robert O Young - Reclaim Your Health With the Alkaline Diet

By Ben A Dixon

Dr. Robert O. Young is a big proponent of alkaline diet. He has best selling books about the miracle of pH balance of the body. Alkaline diet is a good way to balance the pH of your body. When you eat alkalized food you will avoid sickness and symptoms of low energy.

When your body is at an imbalance, you will feel sick and tired. You will feel unexplained aches and pains in your joints and muscles, headaches, poor digestion, and weight gain. All this just because you are not watching what you are eating. Dr. Robert O. Young believes that getting our body at 7.4 pH balance will help our immune system to fight diseases.

Actually, Dr. Robert O. Young's book the pH Miracle, has a lot of testimonials from people who claimed to have reversed cancer using alkaline diet. This may be due to the balanced condition of the body. With a balanced body you will have less acidity. Acidity causes toxins in the body to trigger free radicals that in turn causes cancer. Without excessive acidity in the body you will be able to prevent cancer.

The pH balance of the body also has a crucial role in the weight loss of a person. When you lose weight, you will gain explosive energy to face the challenges of life. You will be able to perform at your4 peak, may it be at work or at home. You will surely live a healthy and fulfilling life.

Know more about alkaline diet, pH balance, and Dr. Robert O. Young's principles about alkaline diet. This is for the sake of your own health. Alkaline diet can help balance your inner structure and make you healthier and more energetic than ever before.

You can start right away and consume alkaline food. You can put lemon or lime on your water to make an alkalized water. This alone can help you, but I know that you need more for your health's sake. You can try out a great alkaline diet systems out there. Or you can try the best alkaline diet system in the Internet.

Change your lifestyle and be healthy. Stop smoking and excessive drinking. Remember that drinking can cause liver cancer and smoking can cause lung cancer. Stop the bad habits and you will immediately feel healthier.

The ultimate change is to eat alkalized food as endorsed by Dr. Robert O. Young. To know more about alkaline diet just sign up for our free newsletter. You will also get a free alkaline diet chart if you follow this link

Article Source:

To learn more about Alkaline Diets, I'd recommend this as an excellent resource: The pH Miracle: Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Top 4 Health Benefits of Beetroot

Top 4 Health Benefits of Beetroot By Szu Lim
Beetroot has a most vibrant color from the pigment source betacynin. That is probably how the phrase 'red as a beetroot' came about. It is low in saturated fat and cholesterol and a good source of vitamin C, iron, magnesium, dietary fiber, folate, potassium and manganese. You may observe the harmless effect of reddish stools and pinkish urine in consuming beetroot.
The top 4 benefits you can get from beetroot are that it:
1. Reduces Blood Pressure
Beetroot has 20 times more nitrates (not to be confused with cancer causing nitrites in processed meats such as hot dogs) that other vegetables. Nitrates assist in the production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide functions to widen and relax our blood vessels. As many as one-third of people who have high blood pressure are not aware of their condition. Those who are, are on various medications to lower their blood pressure. Some take a few medications at a time, such as one to thin the blood, and another to relax the blood vessels. Instead of taking pharmaceutical drugs (which usually cause side effects like gastritis and other gastrointestinal problems), why not take this powerful 'medicine' that nature has provided us. It is best to juice beetroot to get the maximum benefit of the phytonutrients. You should start off with a quarter of a cup beetroot juice and gradually increase the amount over time.
2. Protects against Cancer
Beetroot has amazing antioxidant properties that aids in protection from cancer. The active ingredient which gives beetroot its color, betacynin, has been found to reduce the growth of tumors by 12.5 percent. The study was conducted on patients who have prostate or breast cancer. The cytotoxic effect of beetroot extract slows the growth of cancerous cells. This allows more time for treatment of the disease without it getting to a fatal stage.
3. Cleanses the Liver, Kidney and Gallbladder
The betaine in beetroot eliminates toxins from the liver. It also helps defend the liver and bile ducts. Not only is it well-known as a liver cleansing food, it also cleanses the kidney and gallbaldder. Research has shown that natural antioxidants in beetroot, such as polyphenols and betalains, accelerate the healing of liver cells. For those who regularly indulge in drinking alcohol, taking this juice daily would help cleanse and heal your liver after a night out.
4. Prevents Spinal Cord Birth Defects (Source of Folic Acid)
It is a very good source of folic acid, essential for the proper growth of new cells. Women who are planning to conceive and expectant mothers are recommended by gynecologists to take folic acid supplements for protection against spinal cord birth defects such as spina bifida. Why not take beetroot as a natural way of fulfilling this requirement? You can take it in various forms daily - juice it, slice it to munch on, and tossed in salads. You can even cook it, although the amount of folic will be less than in a raw beet.
Article Source:

As Featured On EzineArticles

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

FREE Online Courses on Nutrition

I've recently been wanting to learn more about nutrition and put the above courses on my watchlist. This site by Coursera offering many free online courses. Coursera is an education company that partners with the top universities and organizations in the world to offer courses online for anyone to take, for FREE! This is the latest trend in education called Mass Open Online Courses (MOOC). The courses covered are in many specializations from business, law, medicine, technology to life-long learning courses such as child nutrition & cooking, public-speaking and learning how to play the guitar.

One of the courses that is interesting is Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention by Katie Ferraro. This course covers the basics of normal nutrition for optimal health outcomes and evidence-based diets for a variety of diseases. There is an introductory video by Katie. I find Katie's website to be full of very useful information, such as "Cookies Aren't Good for You? WhoNu?" where she explains the logic behind the labelled breakdown on the ingredients in the 'healthful' cookie brand.

Learning is a life-long process, so this is a great way to expand our knowledge and get out of our comfort zones.

“You'll never know everything about anything, especially something you love.”
― Julia Child


Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Alkaline Drink: Raw Apple Cider Vinegar & Raw Honey

Raw apple cider vinegar is widely touted to be the only vinegar that is alkaline forming in nature. It is made from crushed organic apples and matured in wooden barrels. Almost all sweeteners are acid forming. The great news is that raw honey is found to be alkalizing to the body. 

The simple combination of raw apple cider vinegar and raw honey is remedy for premature aging, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, bad breath, eczema and arthritis. Both apple cider vinegar and raw honey make a great combo for a refreshing drink.

Method to prepare:
Dissolve a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a tablespoon of raw honey to a glass of water. Enjoy!

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Almonds - Alkaline or Acid Forming?

Almonds are great alkaline forming snacks.
Almonds are great snacks to curb hunger pangs in between meals. When it's mid-morning or afternoon, that feeling of wanting to grab a candy bar or a bag of chips hits, just grab a handful of toasted almonds and you'll get a boost of long lasting energy.

Almonds is one of the few alkaline forming nut. Chestnut is the most alkaline, with almond being moderately alkaline. Almonds contains more calcium that any other nut. It's polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat content help reduce LDL cholesterol. Make sure you choose the types that in their original form/flavor (raw, baked or toasted is fine), NOT the salted or multiple flavored types you see.

Fruits Infused Water Recipe - Alkalizing & Refreshing

The haze has hit Singapore and Malaysia badly this time. The API reading is at dangerous levels. In order to keep our respiratory track cleansed and refreshed, constant hydration is necessary. You can make this vitamin rich alkalizing water to boost your immune system. The recipe is absolutely simple and you' can't help but to keep guzzling this. I'm using what I have in the refridgerator, you can use your imagination and create your delicious concoction.


  • 1 Granny Smith apple (sliced thinly)
  • 1 orange (sliced thinly)
  • half a lemon (sliced thinly)
Place all the ingredients in a jug, top up with ice-cubes. Fill the jug with water. Leave in the refrigerator for two to 8 hours for the flavors from the fruits to infused the water. You can refill the jug with more water to get the most out of the fruits. You can add fresh herbs like mint, basil or dried herbs like cinnamon. 

This drink is most beneficial for weight loss. Bring along a thermal water bottle that you can refill. Keep it cool with ice for a refreshing boost of hydration.
